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George Paskalov

George Paskalov

Company CEO
Plasma Micro systems LLC


George Paskalov completed his Ph.D. (Plasma Processing and Installations) from Technical University, St.-Petersburg, 1986 Master of Science (Electrical Engineering) Technical University, St.-Petersburg, 1982,In the year 1994 he worked at Technical University, St-Petersburg, Russia as Chair of Electrotechnics, Associated Professor,From 1994-1999 he worked as President, CEO and Sr. Scientist at Plasma Plus Inc., Los Angeles,From 1999 – 2003 worked at UCLA Plasma Physics Lab as Research Scientist,From 2001 – 2006 he worked at Hydro Enterprise Chief Scientist,From 2002 – 2010 worked at The Polymet Company LLC, as Chief Scientist,Up to 2012 he worked at TOSS Plasma Technologies Director and Chief Scientist and at present he is working as Plasma Micro systems LLC as CEO

Research Interest

at UCLA Plasma Physics Lab as Research Scientist,From 2001 – 2006 he worked at Hydro Enterprise Chief Scientist,From 2002 – 2010 worked at The Polymet Company LLC, as Chief Scientist,Up to 2012 he worked at TOSS Plasma Technologies Ltd.