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Hai-Feng (Frank) Ji

Hai-Feng (Frank) Ji

Professor, Chemistry
Drexel University


Hai-Feng (Frank) Ji is currently a professor in the Department of Chemistry at Drexel university. His research interests focus on plasma chemistry, MEMS devices, nano-materials for energy and environmental applications, drug discovery, nano pillars and phosphene for energy applications, and surface chemistry. He is currently a co-author of 150 peer-viewed journal articles and book chapters. He has co-authored 4 US patents, two of which have been licence to companies. He has an H-index of 29. He is an editorial board member of several chemistry journals.

Research Interest

Hai-Feng ji research interests focus on plasma chemistry, MEMS devices, nano materials for energy and environmental applications, drug discovery, nano pillars and phosphene for energy applications, and surface chemistry.