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Véronique Bommier

Véronique Bommier

LESIA, Paris Observatory


Véronique Bommier, born in 1954, is "ancienne eleve" of the "Ecole Normale Superieure de Jeunes Filles". She was formed about quantum mechanics by Pr Cohen-Tannoudji at the "Ecole Normale Superieure". After her thesis about the magnetic field measurement by interpretation of the hanle effect observed in the He I D3 line of solar prominences, she participated to the preparation and development of the observations with the French-Italian THEMIS telescope. She was formed in radiactive transfer by Pr Egidio Landi Degl'Innocenti (Florence University), who developed also a Zeeman effect inversion code UNNOFIT, that V. Bommier generalized to the scan of active and quiet regions and unresolved magnetic structures. Thus, she is now an expert on all magnetic field measurements in all the various solar regions. She then applied to space data from the HINODE/SOT/SP and recently SDO/HMI satellites, the methods developed on THEMIS about active and quiet region magnetic field mapping.

Research Interest

she is expert on all magnetic field measurements in all the various solar regions.